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It's a cruel world. I have to fight to survive myself.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

In a mess

It suck to cant cry, all bottled up feeling. When i do one day i gave up but now i'm still holding on. Don't disappoint me please.

A few preview of shoots to share. Loving everything, i think my eyes make up made me look kinda like Thai. HA ! Sometime doing things you like clear off a lot of your mind and helps you forget things.

Photos by- John Seah

Things daddy for getting more stuffs from Shang Hai for me again, new lens, make up kit, make up bags, eye liner and shadow. How can i not love him (: Thanks daddy !

 Trying new outfit for new hoot. Ya i look like some chinese ghost. HAHA !

I hate acting like I don't care when it's really tearing me up inside. I don't need a perfect relationship, I just need someone who won't give up on me is that so hard ? It's really hard to decide when you're too tired to hold on. Yet, you're too in love to let go.

1 comment:

  1. Don't be sad. At some point of time, you just have to stop bottling your feelings and just pour it out. Beautiful woman like you shouldn't be feeling sad. Be happy and smile always. All the best in all your future endeavours. :)
