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It's a cruel world. I have to fight to survive myself.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Life's a beach !

Attended 'Life's a beach' to support my dear in half drunk stage. People enjoy partying i stoning at the back stage LOLOL~

So basically i help to throw the light sticks and gifts out. Yes i do enjoy people happily get hit by it and still ask for more.

Dj Tinc in da house ! She sure rock the whole party up.

 How i wish im sober enough to part out there T.T

Drag dear for supper cause im so hungry

Sweet boy of mine got this for me cause 1 week ago i said it's so pretty (L)

Dinner date with le boy at Watami.

Goodnight !

Red eve

Happy Chinese new year eve readers ! 
No idea why but this year new yr seems a little bored, is it me or everyone does feel the same way~ ?
Anyway do have a happy new year and have tons of fun alright ? Spam all the goodies and collect as many Ang bao as possible ! But ~ do remember to drink plenty of water and be safe (:

 Changed my hair colour after 2-3 years (?) Sat at salon for 5hr till butt pain !

Dip dye blonde 

Wine red with cherry pink (:

Totally love my new hair colour (:

Mad love with the colour (: Ang ang huat ah ! Heeeheee~

Pancakes and shoots with Pascal on 27th


Kiwi and strawberries !

Top with fruits and ice cream, damn i still craving much for it (drool~~~)

Been a while i shoot with Pascal, stay tune for the photos to be out, i cant wait as well ^^

Picture perfect


Thanks dear for waking up by me crying that im hungry at 6 am. Breakfast from love with love (L)

My trouble maker


Monday, 20 January 2014

Zoo Trip

Zoo trip with dear on 23rd Dec 2013 when i keep pester him that it have been ages since i last went and to my surprise this caveman never been to zoo. Funny or what ! 

I'm so glad that the weather turn out to be really nice and cooling instead of raining when we got there.

Now~ lets move to the animals photo shoot (xD)

Polar bear was one of my favorite during the trip. Manage to be in time for the feeding show.

 Now you know what i meant ? Because of the protecting glass the bear looks like he's performing magic trick ! Head and body totally out of place !!

Remind you of lion king ? It seem so lonely.

 This is my Fav one. Too cuteeeeeee !!!!!!!

Ji emo yi xiao you mei you ~


My tired boy (L)

A little laugh


Ended the tip with our tired legs. WE WILL BE BACK~